Monday, October 21, 2024

The Top Five Ways You Can Better Yourself In Your Chosen Industry

Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or have a business of your own, just being good at what you do isn’t enough anymore. The world moves fast these days, and if you are not actively working to be better and improve in your trade, you are going to get left behind. But don’t stress! There are many ways to level up in your industry, whatever that happens to be.

Develop A Learning Mindset: Embrace Lifelong Learning

Thing is, learning actually never stops. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you have really got to adopt a mindset that’s always hungry for more knowledge. Think of it this way: the most successful people out there aren’t just sitting back on what they already know. They’re constantly expanding their horizons.

Now, don’t get me wrong—this doesn’t mean you need to sign up for another four-year degree. Not at all. Today, you can find tons of bite-sized, practical learning options that fit into your life. Maybe you’re in tech or management, and something like an IT infrastructure and operations diploma could really set you apart. It shows not just that you’re skilled, but that you are willing to evolve as your industry does.

Develop A Strong Personal Brand

Okay, so... Your personal brand is an important one. No, it’s not just a trendy term or something for influencers on social media. Your personal brand is essentially your professional reputation—it is what people think about you when you’re not in the room. And yes, it matters—a LOT. If you’re thinking that building a brand is just about making your LinkedIn look polished or posting the occasional tweet, think again. It’s a whole lot bigger than that. It’s the story you tell about who you are and why you do what you do.
When it comes to standing out, you need three things: consistency, visibility, and authenticity. Being consistent means that no matter where people find you—online or in person—you’re presenting the exact same message. Visibility? That’s about putting yourself out there, maybe it’s speaking at industry events or writing articles. And then there’s authenticity, which might be the most important of all. No one wants to connect with a facade; people appreciate the real, unpolished you. So be honest about your journey—the highs and the lows—because that is what makes your brand relatable and memorable.

Network With Purpose And Precision

Networking—it can feel like a chore, right? But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be about shaking hands at stuffy events or collecting business cards you’ll probably never look at again. Networking, when done with purpose, can completely change the trajectory of your career. And no, it’s not about knowing everyone; it’s about building relationships with the RIGHT people. What does that look like? For starters, seek out mentors—people who have been where you’re trying to go and can offer real insights. Then, think outside your immediate bubble. Some of the most valuable connections come from outside your industry. That cross-pollination of ideas can spark some seriously innovative thinking. 

Master Time Management And Prioritization

We all get the same 24 hours in a day, right? But some people just seem to do more with their time. The secret isn’t working harder; it’s working smarter—obviously. Mastering time management is all about knowing what to prioritize, and this is where things can get tricky. So many tasks, so little time. But a good rule of thumb? Focus on the things that will have the most long-term impact. 

There’s a handy tool called the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps you sort your tasks by urgency and importance. You’d be surprised how many things feel urgent but aren’t really that important in the grander scheme of things. Once you’ve sorted that out, you can actually stop reacting to every little thing that pops up and start working on what actually matters. And just so by the way—you’ve got to learn to say “no” sometimes. It’s not selfish; it’s smart. You can’t do it all, so stop trying to.

Seek Feedback And Embrace Criticism

Ok, truth is... No one loves hearing criticism. But, if you want to grow, feedback is one of the best things someone can give you. And it’s not just about getting feedback; it’s about asking for it. Ask people you trust to tell you what you can do better, and listen without taking any of it personally. Easier said than done, right? But here’s the thing: when you stop seeing criticism as a strike against who you are—and begin instead to frame it as a tool in improving your work—your whole entire mindset shifts. You become more resilient, more adaptable, and ultimately, more successful. 

Also, don’t forget to look inward. Self-reflection is absolutely huge. Regularly assess what’s working, what’s not, and where you can make changes for the better. You don’t need to wait for someone else to point things out—you already know what you can do better, if you’re honest with yourself.


Bettering yourself in your industry isn’t a one and done effort; rather, it’s a process. It’s the small steps forward in each of the above areas that accumulate over time and build up to the point of real success. Success beyond just mere career milestones, but fulfillment within your industry. So, start small, stay consistent, and most importantly, just keep pushing yourself to be better than yesterday.

11 Marketing Tactics That Seem Helpful But Can Hurt Your Brand

While it’s definitely true that there are some genius ways to market your new brand, you really need to keep in mind that there aren’t too many shortcuts. Sure, even if you want to save a ton of money, there just aren’t any shortcutes to avoid that. Basically, the only shortcuts there are involve magically going viral, getting a free celebrity endorsement, or having unlimited funds for marketing and PR.

But the reality is, all of those are rare (and it doesn’t guarantee results either). So, when it comes to marketing a new business, it’s easy to get caught up in shortcuts or trendy tactics that promise quick results.

After all, who doesn’t want to see their brand blow up overnight? But here’s the catch—some strategies might seem like a fast track to success but can actually do more harm than good in the long run. These tactics might boost visibility for a moment (or give an illusion of success), but they can also damage credibility, hurt engagement, or even get a brand blacklisted. But what are all of these exactly? Well, let’s dive into some of these deceptive “quick fixes” and why they’re best avoided.

Buying Fake Followers for Social Media

Now, sure, it sounds like a tempting shortcut—buying a few thousand followers to give a brand’s social media accounts a boost and make them look popular right from the start. But those fake followers aren’t real people, and they’re not going to buy anything, engage with posts, or spread the word about the brand. So, in the long run, it’s all just a numbers game that offers no actual value.

What’s even worse is that social media algorithms can detect fake engagement and may penalize accounts for it, causing posts to appear less frequently in people’s feeds. A lot of people call this “shadow banning, and this could very well happen to you.

So, instead of looking like a fast way to grow, buying followers can actually limit the reach and hurt genuine engagement. Plus, if real users catch on, it can damage a brand’s credibility and make it look desperate.

Buying Fake Engagement for Social Media

This one goes with the above, but it does deserve its own little section, too. So, similar to buying fake followers, paying for likes, comments, or shares on social media might give the illusion that a brand is popular. But fake engagement is just that—fake. You need a community in order to build up a business, and an army of fakes just won’t do the trick.

So, it doesn’t build meaningful relationships with customers or foster genuine interest in what a business has to offer.

So in the long term, it can even affect how algorithms distribute content. Social media platforms aim to show people content they care about, so if the engagement isn’t coming from real people, the algorithm may assume the content is irrelevant. This can result in posts reaching fewer people over time. Not to mention, potential customers who notice spammy comments or repetitive likes from fake accounts may feel turned off.

Starting Drama for Attention

This one sounds way too ridiculous, right? Well, the thing is, it can actually happen! So, these days, it’s not unusual to see business owners stirring up drama on platforms like TikTok for a bit of buzz. Maybe it’s calling out customers, shaming competitors, or airing grievances online; it might seem like a quick way to gain views and followers. However, this kind of attention often comes with a downside.

Sure, the drama might grab people’s attention temporarily, but it can also create a negative image for the brand. Instead of being known for a great product or service, a business becomes known for being confrontational or unprofessional. That’s not exactly the kind of reputation that builds long-term trust and customer loyalty

Responding Negatively to Comments and Reviews

When negative comments or reviews come in, some businesses might feel tempted to clap back or respond in a snarky way. The thought behind this is to show that the business is “human” or “relatable.” But the reality is that it just looks unprofessional and can discourage potential customers from engaging. That's not something you’re going to want.

Plus, negative responses to criticism can give the impression that the business can’t handle feedback or isn’t open to improving. Instead of adding fuel to the fire, brands should take the high road, respond politely, and use negative feedback as a chance to show excellent customer service.

Using AI-Generated Content

While sure, the rise of AI tools has made it easier than ever to generate content, like written posts, images, or videos. Sure, AI-generated content can save time, relying too heavily on it can do more harm than good. For one, AI content often lacks the authenticity and personal touch that resonates with audiences. It can come off as robotic, generic, or even downright awkward if not carefully edited.

In the long run, brands that overuse AI-generated content risk losing their unique voice and failing to connect on a personal level with their audience. People want to feel like they’re interacting with real humans, not just a computer program. So many businesses are making this mistake, and it's really going to look bad on you!

Plagiarizing or Using Duplicate Content

Copying content or using the same material across different platforms might seem like an easy way to keep up with posting schedules, but it can have significant consequences. So, you need to keep in mind that search engines like Google can penalize websites for duplicate content, which can negatively affect search rankings.

It really doesn’t matter if this is content that you write; if you’re still using this and duplicating content, you’re still going to be penalized by search engines. So, don’t steal from others, don’t even bother rewriting your own stuff (you can still get penalized), and don’t bother with content spinning, either. It’s much better to focus on creating original content that genuinely represents the brand’s voice and adds value to the audience.

Chasing Trends Instead of Being Authentic

You might already know this, but it’s still important to just recognize it. So, trends come and go, and it’s easy to fall into the habit of hopping on every new one in hopes of going viral. But if a brand’s marketing is purely trend-based, it starts to lose its authenticity. Not every trend will align with the brand’s values or messaging, and following trends for the sake of staying relevant can come off as inauthentic or gimmicky.

So, you should really just aim to incorporate trends that genuinely fit their message or audience but always stay true to their core identity. Overall, consistency builds trust, and in the long run, being known for a unique voice will do more for a brand than constantly changing to follow the crowd.

Overusing Filters and Editing

Okay, so editing photos and videos to look polished is one thing, but excessive use of filters can make a brand come off as inauthentic. Now, this, is especially true when it comes to showcasing products or giving behind-the-scenes glimpses of the team, people want to see the real deal.

But why is this even a big deal though? Well, over-editing can make products look different from what they actually are, leading to customer disappointment when reality doesn’t match the picture. So it’s important to strike a balance between editing content to look professional and maintaining an authentic appearance. Plus, customers appreciate honesty, and showing a more realistic image can foster stronger connections.

Choosing Influencers Based Solely on Their Following

While it’s definitely true that working with influencers can be a fantastic way to promote a brand, but partnering with the wrong ones can backfire. Thats really where do many brands tend to get it all wrong! 

Now, just because an influencer has a massive following doesn’t mean their audience aligns with the brand’s target demographic. If the influencer’s content has nothing to do with the brand’s niche, the partnership may come off as inauthentic and forced.

So, in the long run, choosing influencers who genuinely connect with the brand’s message and values will lead to better engagement and a more authentic promotion. At the end of the day, it’s not about reaching the most people—it’s about reaching the right people.

Doing What Everyone Else Is Doing

It might seem safer to follow what other businesses are doing, especially if they’re getting good results. But you really need to keep in mind that simply copying competitors isn’t a recipe for long-term success. Yes, you read that right! So, what works for one brand might not work for another, and doing the same thing as everyone else can make a brand fade into the background.

You need to understand that standing out often means taking risks, being original, and doing things differently. While it’s fine to take inspiration from others, putting a unique spin on things or finding a fresh approach is what truly helps a brand shine.

Using Clickbait Tactics

If you’re someone who loves watching videos on YouTube, then you’re probably more than familiar with this. Now, it might seem clever to use sensational headlines or exaggerated claims to get people’s attention, but clickbait can backfire quickly. When customers feel tricked or deceived, they lose trust in the brand.

Now there are a lot of brands out there known for this bad behavior who are barely surviving nowadays, with Buzzfeed actually being a great example of this. People don’t want to feel like they’re being baited into content that doesn’t deliver what it promised. It’s better to set realistic expectations and offer genuine value.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

4 Ways To Improve Your Time Management Skills


Time management is a valuable skill and a crucial one for entrepreneurs. It's the key to effectively managing your workload and achieving the desired results within set parameters, ultimately leading to your success.

However, not everyone can make the right decisions and manage their time and workload to be as productive as possible. For entrepreneurs, this can be more than just a setback-it can be a serious obstacle to your success.

If time management isn't your strong suit, don't worry. These tips are here to guide you back on track, helping you improve your results and lead times.


Start each day or week by prioritizing the tasks ahead of you. That's not to say you should let tasks that are less vital fall by the wayside; by assigning tasks based on importance, you can ensure that the more time-sensitive tasks are taken care of first.

Make a checklist, putting the most urgent items at the top and focusing on those first while also ensuring you leave yourself time to complete everything.

Time Block

Time blocking is the act of dedicating a set amount of time to certain tasks and not doing anything else during that period. For example, you might commit to replying to emails or returning calls between 9 and 10 a.m. each morning while dedicating 3 hours in the middle of the day to client work or chasing leads. You can ensure the work gets completed by dividing your tasks, prioritizing them, and setting specific but realistic time frames.


If you have too much on your plate, no amount of time management is going to help, so you need to learn how to effectively delegate tasks to get tasks completed but not waste your time doing them if you don't need them or don't have time to.

If you have employees, successful delegation is assigning tasks to those who are more adept at completing them rather than giving them to anyone else, so you benefit from a job well done, and they use their skill set productively. Outsourcing can be a viable resource if you don’t have staff. For example, you may find that you don't have time to answer calls or take queries; in this case, call center services can take over on your behalf so that all contact is being dealt with in a timely manner, and the ones that need your explicit input or attention are redirected to you.


Your life and your workspace. If things are disorganized, then you won't be able to get a decent enough grip on your time management, meaning you will always fall behind. Make it your goal to have an organized office or workspace so you know where everything is, and it goes back to its rightful home for ease of use and to be able to locate it when you next need it. On top of this, you need to prioritize organization in your life, have a strict routine that facilitates effective time management, and set rules for your work so that you can remain in control at all times.

Monday, September 9, 2024

How to Save Your Business a Ton of Money


Running a business is a balancing act, and one of the biggest challenges is managing costs while still driving growth and delivering value. Saving money without compromising quality or efficiency is essential for long-term success. Fortunately, there are several strategies businesses can use to cut expenses, increase profitability, and improve overall financial health. Whether you’re a small business owner or managing a larger company, here are some effective ways to save your business a ton of money.

Embrace Technology and Automation

One of the most efficient ways to cut costs in your business is by automating repetitive tasks. Automation not only saves time but also reduces the potential for human error. Start by identifying processes that can be automated, such as payroll, invoicing, email marketing, and inventory management.

For instance, using accounting software like QuickBooks or FreshBooks can streamline bookkeeping and tax preparation, reducing the need for manual data entry. Project management platforms like Asana or can help keep projects on track, eliminating the need for excessive meetings and micromanagement. By embracing technology, you can improve efficiency, allowing your team to focus on higher-value tasks.

Negotiate with Suppliers and Vendors

Negotiating with suppliers and vendors is one of the most direct ways to reduce costs. Often, vendors are willing to offer discounts or better terms, especially if you’ve been a loyal customer or are placing larger orders. Don’t hesitate to ask for a better deal or explore alternatives to your current suppliers.

In some cases, switching to a different supplier or negotiating bulk purchasing discounts can significantly reduce costs. Additionally, consider forming partnerships with local vendors, as they may offer more competitive rates than larger, national providers.

Outsource Non-Core Functions

Hiring and maintaining an in-house team for every business function can be costly, especially when you factor in salaries, benefits, and office space. To save money, consider outsourcing non-core functions like IT support, human resources, or customer service to specialized firms.

Outsourcing can provide high-quality service at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time employees. Moreover, many tasks such as website maintenance, marketing, and administrative support can be handled by freelancers or external agencies. This allows you to focus your internal resources on core business activities while keeping overhead low.

Adopt Energy-Efficient Practices

Energy expenses can add up quickly, particularly if you’re operating in an office or manufacturing space. Adopting energy-efficient practices can significantly lower utility bills and contribute to a more sustainable business model.

Simple changes like switching to LED lighting, using programmable thermostats, and ensuring office equipment is turned off after hours can make a big difference. You might also consider investing in energy-efficient appliances or equipment, which can reduce long-term energy consumption. Some companies also choose to install solar panels, further lowering energy costs over time.

Use Bidding Software to Secure the Best Deals

If your business regularly engages in projects that require quotes from contractors or suppliers, using bidding software for your business can help you secure the best deals. Bidding software allows you to compare quotes from multiple vendors, ensuring you get competitive pricing without sacrificing quality. This not only helps you save money but also streamlines the procurement process, saving you time and effort as well.

With bidding software in place, you can avoid overpaying for products or services, optimizing your purchasing decisions and improving your bottom line.

Implement a Remote or Hybrid Work Model

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the cost-saving potential of remote work. Many businesses found that allowing employees to work from home reduced office expenses like rent, utilities, and office supplies. Depending on your industry, continuing with a remote or hybrid work model can lead to substantial savings in the long term.

Even if you don’t want to transition to a fully remote team, offering employees the option to work from home a few days a week can reduce the need for a large office space. This can lead to savings on leasing costs and reduce other overhead expenses, making it easier to manage your budget.

Reevaluate Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a vital part of any business, but it can also be expensive. To save money, it’s important to review your marketing strategy regularly and determine what’s working and what’s not. Instead of spending heavily on traditional advertising like TV, radio, or print, consider shifting your focus to digital marketing, which tends to be more cost-effective.

Social media marketing, email campaigns, and content marketing (like blog posts and SEO optimization) can all deliver strong results without requiring a large budget. These strategies allow you to target specific audiences more precisely, reducing wasted ad spend and improving ROI. Additionally, tools like Google Analytics can help you track the effectiveness of your campaigns, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources more efficiently.

Streamline Inventory Management

For businesses that rely on physical products, managing inventory efficiently is critical for saving money. Overstocking ties up capital and increases storage costs, while understocking can lead to missed sales opportunities. Implementing an inventory management system can help you maintain the right balance.

By tracking inventory in real-time, you can avoid overordering and reduce the risk of stockouts. Many inventory management systems also integrate with other business tools, such as accounting software, allowing you to have a clear view of your cash flow and inventory needs at all times. This will help you make smarter purchasing decisions, reduce excess stock, and cut storage costs.

Encourage Cost-Consciousness Among Employees

Your employees play a crucial role in helping your business save money. Encouraging a cost-conscious culture can lead to significant savings in day-to-day operations. Educate your team on the importance of minimizing waste, conserving resources, and finding cost-effective solutions.

For instance, encourage employees to use digital documents rather than printing hard copies, reduce unnecessary travel expenses, and suggest more affordable alternatives when making purchases. Rewarding employees for coming up with money-saving ideas can also incentivize them to look for cost-saving opportunities within their departments.

Review and Reduce Subscriptions

Many businesses fall into the trap of paying for software or services they no longer use. Reviewing your business subscriptions regularly is an easy way to cut unnecessary expenses. Cancel or downgrade services that are no longer essential to your operations. You might also be able to consolidate multiple services into one platform, reducing the number of tools you’re paying for.

For example, instead of using separate tools for project management, communication, and file storage, consider platforms like Microsoft Teams or Google Workspace, which offer comprehensive solutions for collaboration and productivity.

Saving money for your business doesn’t mean cutting corners or sacrificing quality. By embracing technology, negotiating with vendors, outsourcing non-core functions, and adopting energy-efficient practices, you can significantly reduce costs while maintaining a high level of efficiency. In addition, leveraging bidding software, implementing a remote work model, and streamlining inventory management can all lead to long-term financial benefits. By taking a proactive approach to managing expenses, you can ensure the financial health of your business and set yourself up for sustained success.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Solopreneurs Can Save Themselves From Outsourcing With These Top Tools

They say that no man (or woman!) is an island, but as a solopreneur, it can often feel like that’s exactly what you need to be. After all, your business is entirely dependent on your ability to be everywhere at once and to be an expert in every single element of the business world. Luckily, this is an easy enough goal to achieve when you’re starting out but, as your company grows, you may find you simply can’t juggle all of those balls yourself. 

At this point, many solopreneurs opt for outsourcing, which comes with a price tag that could range anywhere from $500-$5000+ per month. That’s a notable chunk of your personal profits, and it’s a cost you might be able to cut by simply including the following tools in your arsenal. 

Planning Must-Haves

Planning is perhaps the hardest element of managing a solopreneurship, especially if you’re having to navigate everything from order fulfillment to inventory management and customer requests. Early on, a self-written planner might serve you well enough, but as your business gets off the ground, something like ZBrains' Zoho ERP solutions will inevitably become something of a must-have.

Enterprise resource planning solutions streamline your business operations through capabilities that include integrating business departments and automating tasks like inventory updates. Effectively, your ERP will become your personal assistant and will free you up to easily manage your business in the best possible way.

Time Management Tools

Time management is one of the best ways to make a business that bit easier, and will typically involve juggling multiple client meetings, supply chain checkups and more. This is a tough juggle, made harder by the fact that one missed meeting could tar you with an unprofessional brush forever. 

The good news is that even free time management tools like Google Calendar are pretty useful for general scheduling, and can at least get you to meetings on time. As your diary fills up, however, you may prefer to branch out with more specialist time management tools like Trello. Here, you can simplify your schedule using straightforward boards, cards, and lists, as well as setting up scheduling across projects as you require. 

Financial Management Software

You’re a solopreneur, not an accountant and, despite your best efforts, you simply aren’t the right person to manage your finances. Unfortunately, prices for outsourced accountants tend to be steep and could be out of your budget in those early days. 

Luckily, many ERP solutions also include things like payment processing to ease the load. You may also find it useful to use dedicated finance management tools including QuickBooks and FreshBooks, which can handle capabilities including invoicing, tracking, and tax payments. Your lack of need for payroll capabilities across a company could also help to keep costs down and make these resources a viable investment even early on.

Solopreneurs make a business of doing things alone, but they can’t handle every single element of a business without help. Once you reach a certain stage in operations, these key pieces of software could well end up being the team you never knew you needed. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Positive Benefits of Introducing a Pet to Your Life

Adding a pet to your life can be one of the most rewarding decisions you'll ever make. Not only do pets bring endless joy and companionship, but they also contribute positively to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Whether it's a playful puppy, a curious cat, or even a friendly horse, having a pet can significantly improve your quality of life. The positive impact of pets is undeniable, and they can make your days brighter in more ways than one.

Emotional Support and Companionship

Pets are incredibly loyal and loving creatures. They provide a sense of companionship that can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Imagine coming home after a long day and being greeted by a wagging tail or a purring cat; it's hard not to feel instantly better. Pets have a unique ability to understand their owners' emotions, offering comfort during tough times. Studies have shown that spending time with pets can reduce stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression.

Physical Health Benefits

Having a pet encourages a more active lifestyle, which is essential for maintaining good health. Dogs, in particular, need regular walks, giving their owners a reason to get outside and move. This daily exercise can lead to better cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and even weight loss. For those with horses, riding and taking care of them, including saddling up with western saddles, provides a full-body workout. These physical activities not only strengthen the body but also improve mood, thanks to the release of endorphins.

Building Responsibility and Routine

Caring for a pet teaches responsibility, especially in kids. Feeding, grooming, and looking after a pet requires a routine, which can help instill discipline and time management skills. For example, knowing that your dog relies on you for its daily meals and walks creates a structure in your day, making it easier to develop and maintain other healthy habits. This sense of responsibility is incredibly rewarding and can boost self-esteem, knowing that another living being depends on you.

Social Interaction and Community

Pets are great conversation starters and can help break the ice in social situations. Whether you're walking your dog in the park or participating in community events like dog shows or horse-riding clubs, pets can connect you with like-minded people. These interactions can lead to new friendships and a sense of belonging within a community. For example, attending a local equestrian event can open doors to meeting others who share a passion for horses, western saddles, and outdoor activities.

Enhanced Mental Well-being

Spending time with pets has been proven to increase the production of oxytocin, a hormone associated with happiness and bonding. This can lead to improved mental health, as pets offer a non-judgmental presence that can be incredibly comforting. Simply petting a dog or cat can have a calming effect, helping to reduce feelings of anxiety or stress. The sense of purpose that comes with caring for a pet also contributes to overall life satisfaction.

Teaching Empathy and Compassion

Pets can teach valuable life lessons, particularly in empathy and compassion. By observing and responding to a pet's needs, owners develop a deeper understanding of the feelings and well-being of another living being. This experience can be especially beneficial for children who learn to care for and empathize with others, skills that are essential in all areas of life.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

#Win a $10 Amazon GC in the Apple a Day Giveaway Hop!


Welcome to the the Apple a Day Giveaway Hop hosted by Mama The Fox. This event runs 8/1/24 to 8/15/24.  Enter below to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card.  Giveaway is open to US/CA  Be sure to visit all the blogs in the hop for even more chances to win. Good Luck!

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MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

The Top Five Ways You Can Better Yourself In Your Chosen Industry

Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or have a business of your own, just being good at what you do isn’t enough anymore. The world ...